Am I a Good Candidate For Cosmetic Surgery? Find Answer Here



If you are considering cosmetic surgery for one reason or another and whether you feel that you are in need of a breast reduction or nose or face lift, you will have to consider several factors that can affect your decision. When you are worried as to whether Am I A good candidate for cosmetic surgery, you will have to provide answers to the following questions:

Do you smoke: If you are a continuous smoker, most of the surgeons will never consider working on you. They generally require that their patient should have a good healthy and so smokers are disqualified by them. This is because the procedure needs anesthesia before it begins and doctors are hesitant about providing treatment to these people.


How old are you? Generally, cosmetic surgeons do not come forward to work with patients, who are less than 18 years, particularly when it comes to providing some treatments to face. The only procedure that will be performed on young children, who have attained the age of 7 is the ear surgery, which is otherwise called as Otoplasty. This is done when the growth of their ear has stopped. When it comes to operation on the nose, age should be an important factor. So, only for people, who have reached 18 years, this procedure is done and this is applicable to women alone. When it comes to men, they should have reached a minimum of 21 years.

What is the thought of your family and friends? Generally, the risk associated with cosmetic operation is classified into two and they are physical and emotional risks. Of these two, the latter is also given consideration by doctors. The American Society has placed a huge social stigma on patients taking up this surgery. Most of the people will be suggesting you that you should accept the way in which God has created you. Even, when you go for liposuction, they will be suggestion you to work it out rather than finding loopholes like these to reduce your weight.

Now, you might have found the answer for your question Am I A good candidate for cosmetic surgery? It is a good thing and this is a great blessing for people, who are always worried about their appearance and this worry itself creates a great stress in them. When you can explain the actual reason, why you want this procedure, your friends and relatives will give their acceptance. But, do ensure that you can bear the cost of the procedure.

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Posted in Plastic Surgery